Dear sex workers *,
today, we give you some important informations regarding the Corona Virus Crisis.
Some weeks ago brothels in Berlin had to close due to Corona and Sexwork is not allowed. These closings will last for the following next weeks. The basis for this is the SARS-CoV-2-containment quality regulation:
Violation: Use of sexual services with physical contact
Addressee of the fine notice:
Fines in euros
250 – 5,000
That means the sex workers are no longer punished, but only the brothel operators and customers of sex services.
There are various help offers in this situation that we ar facing now:
subway ( prepares daily food packages and on Fridays additional food provisions for sex workers* in need.
There are emergency accommodations for homeless people, including sex workers * .
You can find more information at
There is financial aid for registered sex workers *.
You can find more information at
You can get advice from SMART-berlin on phone (030) 235 20 281, personally on Tuesdays from 17:00 -21:00 h Address: Kirchbachstr 5, 10783 Berlin, and by email:
Best regards
Infos for* male Escorts