SMART Berlin’s space in Neukölln is not just a counselling centre for clients or an office for employees, but also a community and event space where our communities can meet, connect and support each other. We have both regular and one-off events in our programme. Some of our events are aimed at a gender- or profession-specific audience (e.g. cis and trans male, non-binary and trans female sex workers). Some events are open to the general public. It is best to inform yourself about the respective events by checking the notes in the announcement.
If you also want to hold an event on the topic of sex work, feel free to contact us with further details.
One-off Events
Regular Events
Finance Workshop
For dates check Allerd!ngs Thüringen
for all sex workers
a cooperation of Allerd!ngs Thüringen, SMART Berlin and Jörg Püschmann
In cooperation with the Allerd!ngs Thüringen counselling centre, SMART Berlin offers all sex workers regular financial advice. The financial expert Jörg Püschmann will answer your questions. Please send them in advance by email to Allerd!ngs Thüringen with the subject ‘Workshop’. The events will be held in German with translation into English. Upcoming dates can be found here.
Dates 2025:
Thursday, 20.02. 7 pm
Wednesday, 16.04. 10:30 am
Tuesday, 10.06. 7 pm
(week of 22.-24.07. or 15.-19.07., TBA)
Thursday, 28.08. 11 am
Tuesday, 14.10. 7 pm
Wednesday, 10.12. 3 pm

Community & Solidarity-Meeting (CoSo)
every 2nd Wednesday 4 – 6 pm
Every even month for sex workers only
Every odd month for sex workers and supporters
by SMART Berlin and you!
SMART Berlin
Schöneweider Straße 24
12055 Berlin
The CoSo plenum for sex workers and corresponding organisations and supporters offers a space for networking and exchange on relevant topics in our communities. Here, challenges can be discussed, solutions sought and support networks established. We propose a selection of topics in advance, but you can also bring in your own topics at any time. The CoSo plenum thrives on the input and participation of those present.

Trans* Masc Sex Worker Meet-Up
every 3rd Wednesday from 6 – 9 pm
for trans* masculin sex workers
by Trans* Masc SW Project
SMART Berlin
Schöneweider Straße 24
12055 Berlin
The monthly meeting for all trans* male sex workers is organised by external trans* male sex workers and is therefore a meeting with a peer-to-peer approach. There is a constantly changing programme of talks, workshops and inputs in the format of a get-together with drinks and snacks. For more details, check out the organisers’ Instagram account @transmascsw

TIN* AntiViolenceCounselling
every 2nd and 4th Thursday 11 am – 2 pm
for trans, inter & non-binary sex workers
by inter* trans* beratung Queer Leben (Schwulenberatung Berlin)
SMART Berlin
Schöneweider Straße 24
12055 Berlin
Many trans*, inter* and non-binary people experience violence in the course of their lives. You are not alone in this. You can seek help. We provide impartial counselling. You decide what you want to talk about in counselling. Counselling is free, confidential and anonymous if you wish.
We advise you on various forms of violence, e.g. physical, sexualised, psychological, domestic, medical violence and anti-TIN* hate violence. Perhaps you have experienced violence in public, been insulted or threatened by strangers. Perhaps you have experienced violence at home or from (ex-)partners. Perhaps you have experienced violence in your work environment, e.g. from customers.
Counselling can cover topics such as dealing with the consequences of violence and crises, information on other contact points such as lawyers, counselling centres, emergency shelters and doctors, and information on the course of police and court proceedings, options for compensation or damages for pain and suffering.
You can simply drop by the open consultation hours unannounced. Access is possible via the glass door and (more discreetly) via the stairwell.
If you would like to contact us in advance, please contact:
beratung [@] tinantigewalt.de